$AGIO the token
Value accrual for $AGIO
Transfer of $AGIO to the users (coverage)
The first part of the equilibrium is the coverage. As we have seen before, $AGIO is transferred from our treasury when platform users experience losses on the cryptos they have deposited and therefore that are in their NFT. This transfer of $AGIO is also perpetual and unrealized until the user decides to liquidate his coverage (NFT).
Buyback of $AGIO with the treasury (user fees)
However, our protocol also collects commissions perpetually which are realized when the user decides to liquidate his cover. These commissions correspond to the fees that the user must pay to be able to use our platform to control his crypto losses and therefore not suffer any price decline on his assets.
Those commissions are returned directly to the Agio treasury, which will accumulate the various tokens deductible from the users. They will be used to buy directly $AGIO tokens on the market in order to balance the $AGIO that comes out of the treasury as coverage for users. It is therefore a perpetual cycle that favors our cash flow over the long term due to the often-impulsive nature of traders.
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